Allan K Sutton's My Colloidal Silver Essential Oil Infused Organic Cream 100mL
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Allan K Sutton’s Collodal Silver Scented Cream now offers you an alternative. The key ingredient is still colloidal silver but now the organic cream is infused with the delicate scents of essential healing oils including Sandalwood and Rosa damask adding to the cream’s benefits.
- *NEW* Organic Cream Infused with Essential Oils
- Topical Cream
- Made with 99.99% Colloidal Silver
Allan K Sutton's original colloidal silver is formed through the electrolysis of 99.99% fine silver in deionised, reverse osmosis filtrated pure" living spring water.
An ion is formed when an atom surrenders one or more electrons. The ion remains in solution searching for some substance with which to bond that can supply the lost electron (s). "Pure" or deionized water has negligible impurities, thus supplying no such substance with which the silver ions may bond. Colloids play an important part in the digestion and excretion of substances in the body.
Aloe Vera, Coconut, Lavender, Rosemary, Sandalwood.
Active Ingredients:
Colloidal Silver (silver ions, Organic Rose Hip Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Emulsifier- Extract of Olives, Organic Coconut Glycerin, Calendula Extract, Aloe Vera, Essential Oil Blend - Rosa Damasca, Lavender, Patchouli, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Jasmine, Geogaurd.
Free from chemicals stabilisers and additives.
About Sutton's:
Silver has been known as a bactericide for over a thousand years. A colloid is quite simply a sub microscopic particle of one substance suspended in a different substance (the medium). Even in ancient times, it was known to prevent disease and was commonly thought that disease could not be transferred from one person to another if by drinking from a silver cup. Silver coins were dropped into milk to prevent spoilage and silver containers were used to store foods in general. Until almost 1970, it was common for scientists to sterilize petrii dishes by placing a silver coin in them and silver was long used for plates for the surgical repair of bones. The most common usage of silver was by members of royal families, who used silver utensils almost exclusively. The result was that over a number of generations, royalty enjoyed freedom from infectious diseases, unlike commoners, who ate from earthen ware jugs and bowls and who were frequently ill.COLLOIDAL SILVER how it works.. Colloidal silver is positively charged. Silver ions seek out and
destroy pathogens (which carry a negative charge). This effect was quite appropriately referred to as
the ‘Silver bullet’ effect by Dr Beck. By oxidising the pathogens colloidal silver immediately destroys
them Silver is a catalyst. Thus, as soon as particle of silver has killed a pathogen, the pathogen loses
its negative charge and floats away. This leaves the silver free again to attack other pathogens. It is
necessary to drink lots of water and rest to help elimination and healing.
General maintenance: Internally: Adults 5-50ml daily Children under twelve 5-10ml daily
For immune support during acute immune threats Internally: Adults 25-50ml hourly Children
under twelve 10-15ml hourly
Externally: Spray directly on the wound, infection, minor burn, sunburn or insect bite. Dressing can
be applied when saturated in colloidal silver. It can be sprayed in ears, eyes, throat and nose, as
often as needed.
STOMACH UPSETS: Add 200 ml to a large glass of water and drink as quickly as possible. Follow this
by another large glass of water.
STOMACH UPSETS WHEN ON HOLIDAYS: While we are on holidays we have the opportunity to
change our regular lifestyle (eg: more fresh fruit, different foods and spices, and an increased
amount of alcohol). This and exposure to unfamiliar bacteria can cause stomach discomfort and
tummy upsets. To counteract this we would suggest regular use of Colloidal Silver while on holidays
around 20ml daily. If in doubt as to the freshness of the food you have just eaten, simply drink 20-
40ml after eating.
SKIN PROBLEMS: Spray frequently as liked for minor problems, such as rashes, acne, abrasions,
minor burns, sunburn, insect bites. Provides soothing relief to haemorrhoids or burning bottom due
to hot, spice food. Can be used with dressing for open wounds.
EARS, NOSE AND THROAT: You can effectively deal with all these areas by spraying or using drops
regularly. We suggest frequently applying, so using as often as possible for faster result. Spray or
dropper into the nose, gargling in the throat and apply by spraying or using drops for the ears
particularly after swimming or showering or suffering with winter ills and chills. It appears to work
best when all these areas are treated together.
AIR TRAVEL: Plane flights can be made miserable by blocked ears and sinuses. Use spray as often as
you like before flights and during flights to soothe these areas.
WINTER ILLS AND CHILLS, DRY THROATS: At the first sign of winter immune threats take
frequently to support the body’s defences. Use spray and drops for nose and throat, also take up to
50ml every hour, swirl in mouth or gargle and swallow. It is suggested not to drink or eat 10 minutes
after taking Colloidal Silver to allow full absorption, and then follow by drinking plenty of water.
URINARY TRACT HEALTH: Spray on external areas for support. Take initially 200ml followed by 1
glass water. Then 25ml every hours. Continue to take for at least a couple of days. Follow use with a
good quality probiotic.
DENTAL HEALTH: Used as a mouth wash this product is very effective in preventing dental decay
and improving oral hygiene. Swirl 5- 10ml in mouth after teeth have been brushed and rinsed. Then
swallow. Do not rinse after using Colloidal Silver.
SINUSES: Use drops or spray as often as liked. Can be effective for snoring when used before
BURNS AND SUNBURN: Spray as soon as possible following burn and apply frequently..
PETS: Use for cats and dogs to boost their immune system, reduce skin inflammation and body
odours. Suggested doses 5-30ml daily. Can be spray in animal eyes, ears, and onto cuts and sores as
often as needed. Can be used on animal big and small including horses, cows and sheep.
Step 1: On waking and going to sleep, hold in the mouth 30 ml for 1 minute, then swallow (no food
or drink for 10 minutes after). Repeat this for the net 30 days.
Step 2: Continue by daily use of 5-50ml for maintenance. If your complaint is more chronic and
longer term please continue with step 1 for 2 months or longer. It is not uncommon to experience
tiredness after beginning to take Colloidal Silver. DO NOT WORRY, this is simply a “healing crisis”.
When the body’s immune system has to dispose of so many destroyed pathogens at once, the
elimination organs can become overload. Drink a lot of water and get extra rest if possible.
IN BRIEF… Colloidal silver is a powerful antibacterial liquid that contains minute silver ions
suspended in 100% pure water. It is commonly used as a natural antibacterial, to support the
immune systems and promote healing. It does not damage healthy tissue and is suitable for use by
the whole family. Research has shown that Colloidal silver has no known side effects and can be
taken with other products. On holiday and in everyday life Colloidal Silver protects you naturally and
supports your immune system to ensures your good health. It is your immune system’s best friend
helping your body to be healthy and happy the natural way. Your daily first aid in a bottle which you
can take anywhere in the world.
Always read the label. Use as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare
This booklets is presented for information and educational purposes only